I Returned Home to Find a Big Yellow Suitcase on My Doorstep with a Note – When I Opened It, I Went Pale


The note read: “Open and run.” My heart pounded. Should I call the police? Curiosity got the better of me. With trembling hands, I opened the suitcase, expecting the worst. What I found was even more shocking.Inside the suitcase were photographs, letters, and mementos. There were pictures of my fiancé with another woman, their faces close and intimate. The letters detailed their relationship, their plans, and even mentioned me as an obstacle to their happiness.“What on earth is this?” I whispered to myself, flipping through the photographs. My hands shook as I read the letters. Each word felt like a dagger to my heart.As I sat there, stunned, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. I answered, my voice shaky.

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