After the First Day at His Company, We Broke Up


Lila, feeling a deep disconnect from her husband Dylan, decided to take matters into her own hands by secretly applying for a job at his company. Little did she know, her plan would unravel a shocking truth that would turn her world upside down.

Lila had been a housewife for years, doing what she thought was best for her family. Dylan, on the other hand, insisted she stay home, believing it was the best arrangement. But over time, the monotony of her routine and the long hours Dylan spent away from home began to wear on her. She was lonely, and their relationship felt stagnant. Most nights, she’d wait up for him, only to fall asleep alone in their bed. The intimacy and connection they once shared seemed to have disappeared.

One night, Lila woke up in the middle of the night, only to find Dylan already asleep beside her. It was then that she realized enough was enough. She needed something more in her life, something to fill the void. Lila decided to take control of her situation and surprise Dylan by showing him that she could be just as productive and capable as he was.

Without telling Dylan, Lila applied for a job at his company. She wanted it to be a surprise, something that would reignite her sense of purpose and maybe even bring them closer. She was nervous but determined, preparing meticulously for her interview. When the day of the interview finally arrived, Lila was a bundle of nerves. But to her relief, she nailed it and was offered a receptionist position on the spot. She didn’t mention her connection to Dylan during the process, wanting to prove she could land the job on her own merit.

On her first day, Lila lied to Dylan, telling him she had a doctor’s appointment. She was excited, anxious, and hopeful that this new chapter would change things for the better. As she stepped into the office, a woman named Sue greeted her with a warm smile and guided her through orientation.

Everything seemed normal at first, but as they walked through the office, Sue glanced at Lila’s nameplate and froze. “Carter? That’s your last name? Wow, that’s funny! You have the same last name as Dylan. What a coincidence!” Sue chuckled.

Lila laughed nervously, deciding to joke back. “Maybe I’m his wife!” she teased, never expecting what Sue would say next.

Sue’s smile faltered, and her expression grew serious. “Oh no, that’s not possible. His wife passed away about a year ago. It was really tragic. He took a few weeks off work to cope with the loss.”

Lila felt the ground shift beneath her. Her heart pounded in her chest as Sue’s words echoed in her mind. “I’m sorry, what?” she stammered, struggling to process the revelation.

Sue, unaware of the bombshell she’d just dropped, continued, “Yeah, it was awful. He’s been seeing Rachel, our boss, for a while now, but he hasn’t remarried because he says he still remembers his late wife. Poor guy.”

Lila’s blood ran cold. Her mind raced. A year ago? Dylan never mentioned taking time off work. But now that she thought about it, he did go on a long business trip around that time. Her heart sank as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Her husband was living a double life.

Before she could gather her thoughts, the office door swung open, and in walked Dylan, laughing and holding hands with his boss, Rachel. They looked every bit the perfect couple. The sight of them together made Lila’s stomach turn. How could he? How could he lie so profoundly, not just to her but to everyone? How could he live this double life without her suspecting a thing?

Shaking with fury and heartbreak, Lila ducked behind her desk to avoid being seen. She wasn’t ready to confront Dylan yet. She needed time to think, to plan. But she knew one thing for sure—this wouldn’t end quietly.

For the rest of the day, Lila kept her head down, going through the motions of her new job while her mind raced. She couldn’t believe the level of deceit Dylan had managed to pull off. She wanted to storm into his office and expose him right then and there, but she knew she had to be smart about this. She needed to make sure the confrontation was public, dramatic, and utterly devastating.

That opportunity came faster than she expected. Toward the end of the day, the company announced a meeting to welcome the new CEO. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Lila rehearsed what she would say in her head as she walked into the conference room, her hands shaking with a mixture of nerves and adrenaline.

As the room filled with employees, including Dylan and Rachel, Lila waited for the right moment. The new CEO was introduced, and the room erupted in applause. It was now or never.

Lila stood up, her voice clear and commanding as she addressed the crowd. “Do you all believe in ghosts?” she asked, her words echoing through the room. “Because it seems they exist—since I am the wife of this scumbag!”

The room went silent. Gasps rippled through the audience as Lila pointed directly at Dylan, who had gone pale as a sheet. Rachel’s eyes widened in shock, and everyone in the room turned their gaze toward Dylan, whose world was rapidly crumbling before him.

With a calm fury, Lila recounted how Dylan had lied to her and everyone else, claiming she had died so he could pursue a relationship with his boss. “I intend to divorce him,” she declared, her voice steady. “He has deceived me and everyone else in this room, and he deserves to face the consequences.”

Dylan stood there, frozen, as the CEO, clearly horrified by the revelation, addressed him sternly. “Dylan, this behavior is unacceptable. You’re fired, effective immediately.”

The room was filled with shocked whispers as Lila walked out, her head held high, leaving Dylan to face the wreckage of his lies.

From Dylan’s perspective, the entire situation felt like a nightmare. A year ago, he had felt trapped in his marriage. Though he loved Lila, he craved excitement and spontaneity, which led him into an affair with Rachel, his boss. He had lied, claiming his wife had passed away, thinking it would give him a clean slate. He hadn’t counted on Lila applying for a job at his company and finding out about everything.

Now, his life was in ruins. He’d lost his marriage, his career, and any shred of respect his colleagues once had for him. As he packed up his belongings and walked out of the office for the last time, he was filled with regret and shame. He had destroyed everything, and he knew it was his fault.

In the days that followed, Dylan reached out to Lila, hoping to apologize. “Lila, I’m so sorry,” he said over the phone. “I know I can’t undo what I’ve done, but I need you to know how deeply I regret it.”

Her response was cold and distant. “Dylan, sorry doesn’t change what you did. Just sign the divorce papers and let’s move on.”

Dylan knew he deserved her anger. He started therapy to confront his issues and vowed to rebuild his life, though he knew it would be a long and painful road.

As for Lila, she moved on with a renewed sense of strength and independence. She had exposed Dylan’s lies and reclaimed her life, ready to start a new chapter—one where she would never again allow herself to be diminished or deceived.

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